Core Tee



Solidarity with Israel

Every purchase is a stand with Israel— 60% of the profits are directed towards life-saving and peace-promoting initiatives within the region. Your choice amplifies hope and fosters peace amidst adversity, making a real, tangible difference. Together, we're not just wearing our values, but living them.

Supporting Real Humans

This garment is made at our factory in Bangladesh, which treats 300+ workers like family and has exceptional sustainability. 

No one works more than an 8 hour day, and the factory layout itself was consciously designed to ensure a safe workplace for workers. 

Beyond just paying a livable salary, they also cover breakfast, lunch, dinner, transportation, medical, and child care. 

Empowering Woman

Our factory not only recruits more women (60% of employees), but they provide training, special programs, and promote them to higher levels.

Protecting Our Home

75g of pesticides eliminated

28 gallons of water saved

26.7 lbs C02 prevented
